
Anyone interested in coming to the Anime USA 2017 convention is highly encouraged to pre-register by joining Anime USA.

Membership Types

We have three different levels of membership types: Regular, Silver, and Sponsor.


This membership is good for all three days of the convention. This level entails you to a convention badge that gives normal access to Anime USA convention for the entire weekend. Some events may require an additional fee or be restricted, i.e., 18+ panels, CCG tournaments, receptions.

Discounted memberships that allow access to the convention only for one day will also be available for purchase at the door (for Saturday only access, Sunday will be complimentary).


In addition to the Regular membership privileges, Silver memberships will receive:

  • Specially designed Silver membership badge
  • Anime USA 2017 t-shirt
  • Anime USA 2017 pin
  • Anime USA 2017 shot glass
  • One Priority Entrance coupon.  The Priority entrance coupon will allow them to a one priority access as listed under Sponsor level priority entrance privilege.

Silver memberships are limited to 300 members.


In addition to the Regular membership privileges, Sponsor memberships will receive:

  • Express badge pickup at registration
  • Specially designed Sponsor membership badge
  • Anime USA 2017 t-shirt
  • Anime USA 2017 pin
  • Anime USA 2017 shot glass
  • Half hour early entrance to the Dealer’s room and Artist Alley
  • Priority entrance the Main Event halls, Maid Café, Host Club, autographs and selected other events to be announced before the convention.
  • One-hour meet and greet reception with Anime USA guests.

Sponsor memberships are limited to 125 members.


If you register for a Regular or Silver membership, you can later upgrade it (while Silver and/or Sponsor memberships are available) by contacting requesting to upgrade your membership. Include your full name, order id, and email used to place the order in our registration system. The cost to upgrade is:

  • From Regular to Silver: $25
  • From Regular to Sponsor: $81
  • From Silver to Sponsor: $59


Children 5 and under

Children age 5 years or younger will be allowed into the convention free when accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) with a registered membership. Children under age 5 must be with sponsoring adult at all times while within convention spaces and must wear a child’s registration badge (this badge will be provided by the convention). This discount is only available at the door and will not be made available for pre-registration. Under 5 child’s badges are limited to one child per adult.

Children ages 6–12

Children 6 to 12 years will be allowed into the convention with a half-price discount when accompanied by an adult (age 18 or older) with a registered membership. Children under age 12 will have their sponsor’s contact information written on it and must wear the badge at all times while within convention spaces. 6–12 child’s badges are limited to two children per adult.


Groups of eight or more will receive a 10% discount on Regular memberships. Group discounts are not available for Silver or Sponsor memberships. Group membership discounts are only available before 1 December, 2017.

Membership Rates

Regular Membership: $66

Silver Membership: $91

Sponsor Membership: $150


We accept credit cards, PayPal, personal check or money order for pre-registration. Credit card payments are processed through PayPal. If paying via personal check or money order, you will need to print the order confirmation page and mail it plus your payment to Anime USA. Checks and Money Orders will not be accepted after 15 November 2017.

If you registered for the previous year’s convention, you may use the same log-in information for the current convention.

Please note all memberships and registrations are non-refundable.

Registry Confirmation

All registrations will be confirmed by email. Additionally, you can confirm your registration status by logging into the Anime USA registration website and viewing the order history.

Should your pre-registration not be in our system, please contact as soon as possible to correct the issue.