Anime USA Welcomes Kate Oxley

 Kate Oxley With well over 100 anime characters under her belt, Kate Oxley is best known for her roles in movies and series such as, Psycho Pass (Akane Tsunemori), Darker Than Black (Misaki Kirihara), Shin­Chan (Lollipop), Dragon Ball (Pasta), One Piece (Carrot), Negima (Makie Sasaki), Peach Girl (Momo Adachi), and Full Metal Alchemist (Cathetine Elle Armstrong). You may have also heard her voice in video games such as Dragon Ball (Colonial Violet), Guitar Hero 3 (Various), One Piece (Carrot), and Lux­Pain (Mika Nozaki). Kate was born and raised in Southern California, then moved to Texas and attended Baylor University for Theatre Performance. She currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas, where she teaches art and theatre to the best students ever. She enjoys blowing bubbles with her babies, tending to her succulent garden, and playing “war” with her husband. Also macaroons. She enjoys Macaroons.